List of Slimming Products

When the moment comes to the realization that harmony is the result of a healthy and proper lifestyle, you need to know exactly what foods the ration of a person who wants to lose weight should consist of. The process of burning calories is the result of a high level of metabolism, to maintain which the body needs to ensure the intake of the required amount of nutrients.


  • 1 Effectiveness of fasting - myth or reality
  • 2 What foods contribute to proper weight loss "> 2.1 Low-calorie
  • 2.2 Low Fat
  • 2.3 Protein
  • 2.4 Low Glycemic Index
  • 2.5 Promoting long-lasting saturation
  • 2.6 Removing excess fluid
  • 3 How to save the achieved results?
  • Fasting Efficiency - Myth or Reality

    Most people consider literally all foods to be the root of the problem of overweight, claiming that refusing food allows you to lose weight the fastest. Starvation is not able to bring a person anything good, but harm to health. Limited or complete refusal of food puts the body in a state of stress. Deprived of the main source of energy, it begins to work in slow motion, there is a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes. The first signs that indicate an "economical mode" of functioning of the body are: problems with concentration, weakness and too much fatigue.

    Reducing the amount of food consumed, of course, leads to rapid weight loss, but not due to burning body fat. Fats for the body are, first of all, a valuable strategic energy reserve, which is spent last. Lost kilograms become fluid and destroyed muscle tissue. This leads to an even greater slowdown in metabolism, the result of which is the active replenishment of both lost and a set of new kilograms.

    Losing weight without harm to health, first of all, implies a decrease in body fat. Ideally, it should balance the ratio between fat and muscle tissue. This will make it possible not only to be slimmer, but also to acquire a beautiful harmonious body.

    What foods contribute to proper weight loss?> Low-calorie

    Ideal for people accustomed to frequent snacks. Low calorie content is typical for citrus, fresh herbs and vegetables. Their basis is water and fiber. They quickly saturate, filling the stomach, while the amount of calories consumed remains very low. The ability of fiber to remove toxins and cleanse the intestines also plays an important role in weight loss.

    Low fat

    Each gram of fat contains about nine calories. This makes any fatty product one of the highest in calories. The greatest danger to health and to the figure is represented by such a category of fats as saturated. They clog vessels and lead to the development of various pathologies. In order not to harm the figure and the body, fat-splitting products must be present in the diet. These include: seafood, white fish, chicken breast, offal, as well as low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.

    The exception is some varieties of oily marine fish that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are responsible for fat metabolism, reduce the risk of clogging of blood vessels. This type of fatty acid is not produced in the body. Its main sources are herring, salmon, mackerel, as well as pink salmon.


    Each athlete will call this category of products the main "fighter" with fatty tissues. A high level of protein stimulates the growth of muscle fibers, promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from tissues, and accelerates metabolism. Among protein products that contribute to effective weight loss, the best are those that contain a minimum of fat. To provide the body with protein, the menu includes foods such as beef and poultry liver, beef, turkey, eggs, squid, low fat cottage cheese and chicken breast.

    Low glycemic index

    They are natural fat burners, normalize sugar levels and control appetite. The most useful of them are salads, greens, raw or cooked vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes, unsweetened berries with fruits. They allow you to avoid the effect of feelings of increasing desire to eat sweets, which a person experiences when consuming sugar-containing foods. The more sugar there is, the stronger the appetite, which is the main enemy on the way to gaining a slim and beautiful figure.

    Contributing to long saturation

    A well-chosen breakfast menu, which includes a hearty and low-calorie food, allows you to maintain a high level of metabolism throughout the day without experiencing hunger for a long time. These are, first of all, products containing complex carbohydrates, which include: whole grain bread cooked in Italian, that is, “al dente”, pasta from durum wheat, as well as many types of cereals. This is precisely the main reason that nutritionists recommend a hearty and healthy oatmeal breakfast.

    Removing excess fluid

    Overweight is generated by both fats and excess accumulated fluid. And for the product to be considered the best in the fight against extra pounds, you need to pay attention to its ability not only to stimulate the metabolic rate, but also to remove fluid from the body. Such foods include sugar-free berry fruit drinks, freshly squeezed orange juice, green tea, and celery. To prevent the accumulation of fluids, you should limit the intake of glucose and salt, do not take diuretic supplements and agents that can harm your health.

    How to save the achieved results ">

    From the daily menu it is required to exclude fast food, processed meat in industrial conditions and sweets cooked in factories. Vegetables, natural meat, mushrooms, cereals should take their place. This will allow you to lose weight without any stress and harm to the body.