Ginger Slimming: Proven Recipes

Ginger for weight loss is such a horror story for fitness professionals. Each trainer is afraid that one day a lover of fat-burning ginger will come to him, and will refuse to comply with rational nutrition rules. It is difficult to convince those who, for complete happiness, lack a magic recipe. But this does not mean that all folk recipes are not working. Why weight loss with beneficial plants has a right to exist ">


  • 1 Is ginger useful for weight loss and remedies with it
  • 2 How is a ginger diet built and what are its principles
  • 3 Cautions and contraindications
  • 4 Recipes for diet drinks and ginger dishes
  • 5 Ginger Based Teas
    • 5.1 Classic with lemon and honey
    • 5.2 With garlic
    • 5.3 With radish
  • 6 Other drinks and cocktails with ginger
    • 6.1 Kefir drink
    • 6.2 Ginger-cucumber kefir smoothie
    • 6.3 Tonic with cardamom and mint
    • 6.4 With lingonberries
  • 7 Salads, desserts
    • 7.1 Ginger and apple petals
    • 7.2 Dietary ginger ice cream
    • 7.3 Vegetable salad with ginger
    • 7.4 Braised Cabbage
  • 8 Different folk recipes with ginger

Is ginger useful for weight loss and remedies with it

Ginger for weight loss, or rather, dietary supplements, teas and creams with its extract is quite a popular product on the Internet. Means with ginger promise us weight loss without effort due to the acceleration of metabolism, and a decrease in appetite. Millions of dollars are being made on those who are losing weight, while the problem of obesity is still not solved.

Judged objectively, ginger helps:

  • Getting rid of constipation is a mild antispasmodic that affects the condition of the intestines. Ginger root also contains dietary fiber, but few will eat it on such an industrial scale to combat atonic constipation. There is evidence that gingerol (root essential oil) helps tone the intestines, but its degree of effectiveness is not known. In folk medicine, ginger is a component of "stomach teas" and numerous remedies for poisoning;
  • "Drain" a little water weight - has a mild diuretic effect, especially if you drink tea with ginger and vitamin C from lemon or grapefruit, and not just chew the root. Edema is a common problem of those who exercise a lot, drink quite a bit of water, and do not monitor the amount of magnesium and potassium in the diet. In folk medicine, ginger tea is used in combination with lingonberry leaves for cystitis, since gingerol also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Lower cortisol levels - this information has not been scientifically proven, at least among the effective anti-cortisol drugs are only gamma-aminobutyric acid, and natural anabolics like laxogenin. But traditional medicine sources insist that ginger lowers cortisol. If this is true, losing weight will be easier, especially for those who are stuck in stress, or have already acquired a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. But in practice, "cortisol obesity" is much less common than banal overeating, craving for sweets and fat, and insufficient level of physical activity;
  • Gingerol is truly a thermogenician . Substances that increase body temperature by 1-2 degrees help to spend more calories. A simple balanced diet that is full of carbohydrates works something like this. But on "drying" with their limitation, many use green tea, gingerol and other thermogenics to support the body.

Important: in sports, ginger supplements are used to reduce muscle pain. Krepatura is a pain of an inflammatory nature. In 2010, scientists proved that a little crushed ginger works in much the same way as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. Strengthen the effect of turmeric helps.

Ginger is a natural energetic with a restorative effect:

  • Increases pressure;
  • Helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques;
  • Reduces pain;
  • Accelerates blood circulation;
  • Fights flatulence;
  • Helps to get rid of nausea;
  • Improves the absorption of meat and heavy foods;
  • Enhances the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Promotes Appetite

How so, he is for weight loss ">

How is a ginger diet built and what are its principles

Ginger diet, fortunately, does not consist only of ginger and tea based on it. Although in the "ancient" Internet until 2000 you can find a recipe for a healthy drink based on 1.5 liters of mineral water, a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup, lemon juice, and a mixture of cayenne pepper and ground ginger in an amount of 5 g of each spice. The drink was supposed to be drunk every day instead of food. And then in the evening put an enema. As a result, 10 kg should go in 10 days. They say that Beyonce lost weight, and she survived. But this is inaccurate, as with other "star" diets.

In general, ginger tea does not recommend strict "no food" diets. More balanced options will also help you lose weight, for example, regular meals with a small calorie deficit.

Ginger tea is good and just as training isotonic. Then it makes sense to add a little maltodextrin, or even regular sugar, and reduce the concentration of tea leaves. But the idea is not suitable for those who have unpleasant sensations after consuming spices

Before you go on a diet, you need to make sure that:

  1. You can drink ginger drinks unsweetened . At most, you can add something like stevia or inulin. The popular advice about sweetening ginger drinks with honey is bad only because honey is the same exact source of simple carbohydrates as sugar, and hoping that the insignificant thermogenic effect “equalizes” is quite naive;
  2. Calorie deficiency due to simple carbohydrates has been created and has been present for a long time so that the body can actively get rid of fat. Ginger is only an assistant. In sports, such things include when the amount of carbohydrate drops below 3 g per 1 kg of body weight, and the appetite for a monotonous “rich in fiber and protein” diet disappears.
  3. In terms of weight loss, there is at least some kind of physical activity . With an office lifestyle and the absence of outdoor activities, it is extremely difficult for a person to eat with a calorie deficit, since he will just have to eat too little to keep the required numbers. Combine any gymnastics with body weight, or weight training, with aerobic exercises, such as swimming, walking, cycling, or cardio in any available simulator. Aerobic group lessons like step, or tai-bo are also suitable;
  4. The nutrition is balanced . You should consume at least 1, 5 g of protein, 2-3 g of carbohydrates and 1.2 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight. Over time, the amount of fat can be reduced to 1 g, but carbohydrates should not "fall" less than 2 g. If you can’t create a deficit with these numbers, increase household activity, that is, walk more on the stairs, go shopping on a bicycle, go for a walk, exclude trips in vehicles with a length of 2-3 stops, and stop sitting at home on the weekend. Scientists have proven that dog lovers who are forced to walk 2 times a day, maintain a healthy weight longer and lose weight faster. You are not encouraged to make a four-legged friend, just take it for granted - the one who walks more kilometers in ordinary life will become slim;
  5. The timing of the “ginger diet” is limited . If the diet also contains drinks with pepper and cinnamon, it is better not to drink them longer than 3 days in a row, the body can rebel and not forgive such violence. Any signs like heartburn, belching, and pain in the digestive tract - cancellation of the diet;
  6. Ginger "weight loss" can cause an increase in pressure and pain in the heart . This is especially true for those who abuse caffeine in the ginger diet and drink a lot of green tea. It is worth treating ginger carefully so as not to overload the body.

There is no “doubtful" food in the diet with unknown calorie content and composition. This includes all complex salads and restaurant dishes. We can only assume what is really there, and how these dishes are prepared.

It is also important that the lifestyle should be healthy. Sometimes abuse of ginger tea leads to sleep disturbance due to a strong stimulating effect. But in the process of weight loss, it is important to maintain a regimen so that hormonal balance is not disturbed. Therefore, it is better to start drinking ginger tea weak, and not to abuse the quantity.

Ginger diet, according to most experts, is not compatible with alcohol, the use of any central nervous system stimulating substances, and most diet pills. Modern dietary supplements contain a large number of stimulants, and all this together can cause an increase in cortisol levels, sleep loss, and disorders of the body's recovery process.

Cautions and contraindications

The information for this block is taken from sources on traditional medicine. The general rule is that ginger should not be consumed if any discomfort or pain is felt after that.

It is worth staying on a regular balanced diet if:

  • After drinking tea, it hurts and “pulls” the stomach and intestines;
  • Starts breaking the temples, and the occipital region;
  • Throws in heat and cold;
  • Tachycardia appears;
  • Pulls the area of ​​the thyroid gland;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium;
  • Bitter in the mouth

All this means that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, and tea should be excluded for now. Perhaps the spice simply “exposes” health problems, but maybe individual intolerance manifests itself in this way.

Common contraindications to the use of ginger are as follows:

  • The use of anticoagulants;
  • Clotting problem;
  • High fever and inflammatory diseases;
  • High blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Ginger contraindications apply to all dietary supplements with it.

Diet drinks and ginger recipes

Drinks with ginger are recommended to drink before meals, before each main meal. But dishes with ginger can be included in the diet arbitrarily, when you want.

Ginger Tea

Classic with lemon and honey

  • About 2 cm of the root is triturated;
  • Pour 2 glasses of water;
  • Boil for 12-15 minutes;
  • Add lemon juice and a pinch of green tea;
  • Drink with honey

This recipe has variations. You can simply boil the water, and put the grated ginger root and green tea in the teapot. Brew it all with boiling water, and leave to cool. When the liquid reaches room temperature, you can drink it.

With garlic

This recipe is recommended as a remedy for seasonal decline in immunity, colds, sore throats.

  • Crush the garlic clove;
  • Mix with a spoon of grated ginger;
  • Pour with 2 glasses of water 90 degrees;
  • Brew for 20 minutes

This tool is recommended to drink in small sips throughout the day. You can get rid of the smell of garlic by chewing parsley. This method is good for "draining" excess fluid, and for additional vitamins and antioxidants. Parsley is an excellent diuretic.

With radish

Black and green radish are more common in cough recipes than in teas. Radish juice not only contributes to the elimination of sputum, but also helps to get rid of the obsessive desire to cough. Radish - a light diuretic

You can make tea with radish like this:

  • For a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and half ginger, take a tablespoon of grated radish;
  • Put in a teapot;
  • Pour 90 degrees with water
  • This drink is recommended to be consumed with honey, but only if there is no allergy to it.

Other drinks and cocktails with ginger

We are talking about the so-called "fat-burning cocktails" with spices. They are prepared by adding spices to kefir or whey. Cocktails help get rid of constipation and replace one meal. It is often advised to drink them for dinner, but it is possible instead of the first or second breakfast, if there is no appetite.

Kefir drink

In a glass of kefir add:

  • Take a large pinch of ground root and cinnamon;
  • Pour dry ingredients into a glass of low-fat kefir and add a little chili pepper;
  • Mix everything well and drink.

Such an explosive cocktail twice a day after a meal will speed up metabolic processes and help burn extra pounds.

Kefir ginger and cucumber smoothie

You can take yogurt if you do not like kefir.

In a blender bowl, mix

  • Cucumber;
  • 2 cm chopped ginger root;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • A cup of yogurt or 250 ml of kefir;
  • Optionally, add celery, or parsley, and some lemon juice
  • All together are mixed in a blender bowl, and turned into a homogeneous drink,
  • You can drink it instead of eating, or in the evening

Important: the drink has a strong laxative effect, which is better to take into account

Cardamom and mint tonic

To prepare this cocktail you need:

  • Take 120 ml of lemon juice and orange;
  • Grind in a blender along with 50 g of mint;
  • Add ginger and cardamom to taste;
  • You can add up to 2 cm of grated ginger root;
  • Dilute with water if necessary.

With lingonberries

This popular recipe fights swelling and constipation. It improves peristalsis and “drains excess water”, the effect in terms of weight loss can be significant, especially if a person has problems with edema.

  • Grate 40 g of ginger root;
  • Mix with a glass of lingonberry berries;
  • Pour 90 degrees into the thermos;
  • Drink throughout the day

Salads, desserts

Who said that ginger should not be added to dishes "> Ginger-apple petals

It will take apples or not very juicy pears and ginger. About 200-300 g of root is needed per kilogram of apples


  • Peel the ginger and cut into petals;
  • Blanch apples, and cut into thin slices;
  • Lightly sprinkle with cinnamon;
  • Put on a baking sheet;
  • Bake at 200 degrees until the apples are soft;
  • You can sprinkle with any loose sugar-free sweetener.

Some water it with honey, but then the whole operation with "diet sweets" makes little sense

Diet Ginger Ice Cream

This recipe will require ice cream molds or a special ice cream maker.

  • Dilute a packet of gelatin in a glass of skim milk;
  • Add grated ginger;
  • Pour any sweetener without calories - stevia, fitparad, or inulin;
  • Beat 10 egg whites in a foam and mix everything with a blender;
  • Pour into molds and freeze

Vegetable salad with ginger

  • Take 2 beets and boil;
  • Chop 1 cm of ginger root, a bunch of celery, and a little orange zest;
  • Mix everything, season with olive oil

Braised cabbage

This recipe will help diversify the side dishes on the diet, and is suitable for those who need to control the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

  • 1 chopped cabbage;
  • Grind 2 cm of ginger root;
  • Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Add ginger root, warm up;
  • Fry lightly, add cabbage;
  • Top up with water and simmer until tender.

You can add onions and tomato paste without sugar to this recipe.

Different folk recipes with ginger

Here are collected just useful things that can help in warming up muscles before training, anesthetizing joints, and just as a variety:

  1. Water with ginger . Brew with water 90 degrees 20 g of ginger, add the juice of 1 cucumber when it cools, and the juice of 1 lemon. It has a diuretic effect, is a remedy for a hangover;
  2. Coffee with ginger . 20 g can be brewed together with 20 g of coffee in a French press or thermos; the main thing is not to use too hot water;
  3. Alcohol tincture for heating . 25 g of grated ginger insist 2 weeks on 1 bottle of vodka;
  4. Jam with ginger . Grind 1 kg of oranges with white peel but without peel and 1 tablespoon of sweetener with 1 tablespoon of grated ginger. Add a bag of agar, filled with water, put in banks, store in the refrigerator;
  5. Ointment for joints . Insist on 150 ml of water, 20 g of cinquefoil and 20 g of ginger, cool, mix with coconut oil melted and camphor alcohol in the ratio "1 part tincture-1 part alcohol-2 parts oil." If there is no coconut oil, dispense with cream, but then the mixture will have to be stored only in the refrigerator;
  6. Pickled Ginger . Boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt, the same amount of sugar or its substitute, and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Pour the chopped ginger root with this, and put in a glass jar. Put in the refrigerator, and leave for 2-3 days;
  7. Anti-cellulite scrub with coffee . A pinch of cinnamon and ginger, and red pepper on the tip of a knife, mix with a glass of olive oil or cream, as well as with sleeping coffee. Apply to the legs and stomach, massage from the ankles to the waist, remove with napkins first, and then rinse with water;
  8. Anti-cellulite lotion . Take alcohol tincture of ginger and dilute it in a 1 to 1 ratio with water, wipe the problem areas;
  9. Apple cider vinegar and ginger wrap . Brew ginger tea, mix it in a ratio of 1 to 1 with apple cider vinegar so that it turns out about a glass of liquid. In it, moisten the wrapping cloth and carry out the procedure for 20 minutes. Then you need to pour cool water.

All folk recipes with ginger should be used carefully, since the plant can cause an allergic reaction, and will contribute to skin problems if all recipes are used too actively. Numerous teas, clay wraps, and other similar things are not able to do what normal rational nutrition and physical activity can do. It will be better if ginger becomes a pleasant seasoning, and not the basis of a weight loss plan.