How to properly run to lose weight?

Running is considered one of the most effective ways to deal with extra pounds. The load received during a run is distributed evenly to all muscle groups, heart rate and breathing become more frequent, metabolic processes begin to proceed more actively and faster, fat is burned. Not only weight is lost. The legs of the runner acquire relief, the body becomes graceful, but not pumped.

One desire and daily runs are not enough. You can run in the mornings and evenings, but not achieve any visible result. The main thing is not just to run, but to do it according to a certain technique.


  • 1 What is the use of running "> 2 Why jogging does not bring results?
  • 3 How to run to lose weight
  • 4 What to do when there is no time for long runs?
    • 4.1 Benefits of Interval Running
  • 5 Contraindications to running
  • 6 Best Place to Run
  • 7 Where to start training?
  • 8 How to run to lose weight - Video

What is the use of running?

This type of activity:

  1. comprehensively strengthens the muscles of the body;
  2. enriches blood with oxygen;
  3. increases the vital capacity of lung tissue;
  4. strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  5. increases bone strength and endurance.

The multifaceted effect favorably affects both well-being and health.

Why jogging does not bring results "> How to run to lose weight

The use of fat as an energy source, as a rule, occurs during blood flow and an increase in oxygen concentration in the area of ​​fat deposits. This process is accompanied by heavy breathing and a feeling of fatigue.

And in order to achieve fat burning during running, the duration of jogging should be at least 50 minutes . This will allow the metabolism to switch from glycogen to fat. Running for more than 95 minutes is also not recommended. Refractory fats break down rather slowly. And if the loads are longer, the energy may not be enough, and it will begin to be replenished from proteins, leading to the loss of not only fat, but also muscle mass.

What to do when there is no time for long runs?

An alternative to long workouts, if there is no opportunity to run for an hour, will be interval running. It is suitable for those who do not smoke, have no problems with the cardiovascular system. This is due to the nature of the training. They are accompanied by tremendous loads on the vessels and heart muscle. However, doing interval running, you can achieve stunning results.

The essence of interval running is to alternate periods of maximum load with rest intervals. The recommended distance of the intervals is one hundred meters:

  1. the first interval takes an active step to stretch the ligaments and muscles, increasing blood flow;
  2. the second interval jogging, setting up breathing;
  3. the third interval is sprinted at maximum speed, that is, at the highest speed pace, and then again switch to a jog.

When breathing at an easy pace is restored, they again start sprinting. After a warm-up, the whole workout is followed by a change in light and intense running.

Interval Running Benefits

A hundred-meter sprint run is accompanied by special physiological processes, due to which the number of calories burned is simply huge. A hundred-meter sprint completed completely breaks down glycogen in the liver, and a subsequent transition to a lower speed restores its reserves by splitting fat deposits.

Sprint not only actively consumes glycogen, but also helps to increase blood flow to the muscles, which accompanies intensive oxidation of fats with the simultaneous release of energy, which begins to accumulate in the form of carbohydrates. Interval run lasting 20-30 minutes exhausts the runner completely, and fats continue to be burned.

According to some reports, after high-speed running, fat burning takes about 6 hours. In this case, muscle mass is not affected.

Contraindications to running

The benefits of running are invaluable to the body and body, but there are certain medical indicators that should not be neglected.

Running is contraindicated in the presence of spinal diseases, injuries, acute diseases, varicose veins. If these recommendations are neglected, after jogging the patient's condition can significantly worsen, and the disease worsen.

Refuse jogging is necessary for women during pregnancy. Sprint is completely contraindicated in lactation. During intense exercise, lactic acid is released into the milk. It can make the taste of milk unpleasant for the baby.

Best place to run

You should not run near major highways and enterprises, the air around which is saturated with chemical emissions. Asphalt pavement is also not the best option. It is quite traumatic, causes severe fatigue. It is best to run on a special coating of the stadium. If this is not possible, then along the dirt paths of the forest and park.

Where to start training ">

The first two weeks of training should be aimed at increasing the duration of classes and speed. This period is suitable for testing different techniques in order to choose the best for yourself.

Clothing and shoes should be selected comfortable and designed for running. If the legs are uncomfortable, this will add strain on the muscles of the legs, causing excessive fatigue.

You need to breathe through your nose. Breathing through the mouth dries the throat and causes thirst. You can drink while jogging, but in small sips and often, only special drinks or still water.

You need to run exclusively in a good mood, and to maintain pace and mood - to rhythmic music. Training through strength and with a bad mood will not bring effect.

How to run to lose weight - Video