The antioxidant content is higher in popcorn than in fruits and vegetables.

Scientists have recently discovered a high content of antioxidants, polyphenols, in popcorn, an especially popular snack for snatching on the go, as well as while watching a movie, exceeding that in vegetables and fruits. Pennsylvania Ph.D. Joe Vinson was one of the first scientists to research and analyze healthy ingredients in the most common foods, including nuts and chocolate. The scientist explained that the concentration of polyphenols in popcorn is increased due to the low content of water in it. Only about 4% of the liquid contains popcorn in comparison with fruits and vegetables, consisting of it at least 90%.

Especially a lot of antioxidants and fiber turned out to be concentrated in the skin of popcorn, which is not beloved by everyone because of its habit of getting on the teeth and causing unpleasant sensations.

However, the stumbling block of the usefulness of popcorn was the very method of its preparation, namely, the use of a large amount of sunflower oil, often of dubious quality. And if a person eats a good portion of popcorn, generously seasoned with salt and some flavors, and even coupled with an excess of unhealthy butter, then there’s no need to talk about the health benefits of this product.

But no matter how correctly popcorn was cooked, do not rush to store it and replace vegetable food, because fresh fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and other nutrients that play an important role in ensuring human health, which are naturally absent in popcorn.