Mahi dumbbells sitting

Machs sitting dumbbells are still popularly called "sitting layout". The correct name for this exercise is the forearm abduction in a sitting position. But we all already understood what it was about. The most common movement for the middle and back deltas helps to build movement and gain muscle mass even for those who for some reason cannot lift heavy weights, press while sitting, or perform broaches.


  • 1 Technique
    • 1.1 Starting position
    • 1.2 Movement
    • 1.3 Caution
  • 2 Recommendations
  • 3 Options

Execution technique

Starting position

  • Exercise is performed while sitting on a straight bench. You can adjust the back so that it is convenient to press against it with your shoulder blades and keep your back upright. You can perform the exercise without a bench with a back, sitting on a regular bench. Sometimes there is a variation while sitting on a fitball, but for a real pumping of shoulders it does not make much sense. Performing isolation exercises on unstable platforms is nothing more than a marketing gimmick;
  • Dumbbells are located near the bench so that it is convenient to take them;
  • With a tilt, you need to lower the stomach to the hips, collect the shoulder blades, and take the dumbbells with a direct grip;
  • Then the weights are distributed in straight arms down;
  • After this, the blades are assembled to the spine, stabilization of the back due to the tension of the press, and a slight inclination of the body forward


  • The athlete gently takes his forearm to a plane parallel to the floor;
  • At the same time, the elbows tend to rise, and the forearms do not rise;
  • The shoulders also remain in a stable position;
  • Light bending of the brush is allowed.


  • Jerk of shells due to deltoid and trapezius muscles is not allowed;
  • Do not bring shoulders to the ears by reducing trapezium;
  • It is necessary to carefully choose the weight, if it is too large, you will need to push it with the force of inertia and swing the body


  • The elbows are displayed above the hands, in all phases of the exercise, this facilitates the concentration of the load in the middle delta;
  • The movement should not occur due to the back, so the body is held in one position;
  • The wrists should not rise with the dumbbells above the forearm line

Execution Options

  1. Makhi dumbbells sitting on a slope . This option is more suitable for pumping the posterior bundle of deltoid muscles, the body drops to the legs, the forearms are retracted to the maximum and lower to the starting position.
  2. Mahi with shock absorbers sitting . This version of the exercise involves the middle deltas, but it loads the muscles quite unevenly, causing a more rapid increase in muscle resistance. This option is recommended as a warm up on a bench press and as an explosive work.
  3. Mahi on one arm sitting can help to cope with the asymmetry of the shoulders. If the athlete has one shoulder working more in bench presses and other basic exercises, he must perform auxiliary movements alternately to remove asymmetry

Swinging shoulders are included in the plan as an insulating exercise. It may be the only one if the athlete after the injury, or is engaged mainly in the bench press, or seeks to unload the shoulder joint. The movement is performed in 8-12 repetitions, in 3-4 working approaches.