Estrogen and weight loss

Estrogen or estradiol is a female sex hormone. He is responsible for reproductive function, and bone density. The substance is present in the body of men. Part of their estradiol is synthesized from testosterone by aromatization, and part - by adipose tissue cells. In small quantities, a strong half of humanity needs it to increase bone mass. But with metabolic disorders, there may be problems with this hormone. Its increased level contributes to an increase in body fat, grows breasts of a female type and negatively affects the psyche and reproductive function. Fortunately, modern endocrinology and natural medicine can reduce estradiol levels quickly and easily.


  • 1 What is estrogen good for?> 2 What is estrogen predominance?
  • 3 How does estrogen dominance affect bodybuilding?
  • 4 Methods for self-lowering estrogen levels
    • 4.1 Dispose of plastic containers
    • 4.2 Cleanse the liver naturally
    • 4.3 Control stress
    • 4.4 Eat More Organic Foods
    • 4.5 Eat More Fiber

What is estrogen good for?

In the male body, the hormone has only one function - the formation of a dense bone structure. Dr. P. Mistkowski from the Mason Medical Center claims that in a healthy body part of testosterone is converted to estradiol for this purpose.

The norm of estrogen in men is from 15 to 60 pg per ml. This amount of hormone allows not only to maintain bone density, but also supports youthful skin, and stabilizes the neuro-emotional state. The hormone is also responsible for preventing hypoxia and helps prevent heart and vascular diseases.

Estradiol in the male body allows you to balance the effect of testosterone on the psyche. According to some reports, he is responsible for opportunities for socialization and adaptation mechanisms to stress.

Can the body function normally if estradiol is at the lower limit of the norm "> What is the predominance of estrogen?

Even men with elevated estradiol levels will still have more testosterone. By "prevalence" is understood a situation where the level of female sex hormone is elevated. Symptoms usually correlate with reduced testosterone levels:

  • Female type obesity, the layer is deposited on the hips and buttocks;
  • Gynecomastia - the growth of glandular tissue on the chest, causing its increase;
  • Decreased libido and worsening erection;
  • Depressed psycho-emotional state;
  • Fluid retention in tissues;
  • Blocking muscle growth

Sometimes they write that estradiol affects muscle growth, and positively. But its excess may affect fitness is not very good. Fluid retention and fat do not allow to achieve goals in this area.

It is believed that the predominance of estrogen is due to ecology and stress, but for many visitors to the hall this is not so. If the athlete used prohormones or SARMs from the category of legal ones, he should carry out exactly the same post-cycle therapy as after anabolic steroids. This will help to avoid the negative effects of increased estradiol. Some substances found in “legal” muscle growth supplements can be converted to estrogen. Most people ignore PCT, relying on the fact that supplements are not steroids, but in practice estradiol blockers are needed.

Dr. M. Ruiz-Pede claims that elevated estradiol levels - a situation that requires immediate treatment, an increase in this hormone can lead to cancerous tumors of hormone-dependent tissues - the prostate in men and breasts in women.

How estrogen dominance affects bodybuilding ">

Endocrinologist Natasha Turner writes in her book Hormones and Diet that estrogen dominance can inhibit weight loss. Adipose tissue is the largest hormonal organ in the human body. The inertia of the situation is that the greater the percentage of fat, the more estradiol. Therefore, analysts who argue that the increased level of female hormones in men - from beer and soy are only partly right. Overeating, maintaining a high percentage of fat, and relatively low muscle mass are usually to blame. Therefore, to reduce estrogen levels, it is still necessary to create a calorie deficit, build muscle and burn fat. But to achieve this will be difficult if you do not apply certain methods to reduce the level of female hormones.

Methods for self-lowering estrogen levels

In addition to taking blockers, which should be prescribed by a doctor, natural and holistic medicine offer us a number of measures that will allow us to get rid of excess female hormones.

Get rid of plastic containers

Keep track of your health and carry food with you> Cleanse your liver naturally

Hepatoprotective products, such as lemons, limes, beets, asparagus, green leafy vegetables and milk thistle, help to normalize a person's hormonal background. Their regular use cleanses the liver, which is able to remove excess estrogen. At least, K. Milligan, a natural medicine doctor, thinks so.

Control stress

Reducing stress levels is an important task for any person striving for a healthy hormonal background. Reducing cortisol, a stress hormone, can help control estradiol and prolactin. If stress is controlled naturally, the body will learn to produce more testosterone and less estradiol. Ways to reduce stress include physical activity, meditation, spa treatments, and hobbies. Domestic doctors in this series also allocate control over the amount of sleep. If a person does not fill up those hours that he needs to recover, an imbalance of homons is a likely thing.

Eat more organic foods

As applied to our country, this is more expensive “farm” meat and vegetables from the market, rather than processed and chopped chicken breasts, and semi-finished products from green products from the store. Organic products and vegetables do not contain toxins, and everything that can provoke a hormonal disorder.

Eat more fiber

Apples, pears, artichokes, herbs and whole grain products are high in fiber. It is able to bind and remove excess estradiol, and normalize the hormonal background of men.

The complex use of drugs that reduce estradiol and a healthy lifestyle can solve the problem of hormonal imbalance and help improve health and appearance.