
Danabol is the trade name for methandienone, the most popular oral steroid. Production is carried out by SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL, popularly known as Balkan Pharma. The drug is produced in Moldova, where this steroid is still legal, and is allowed for free sale. It is worth noting that in the Soviet Union “methane” was sold in pharmacies, which determines its high popularity among experienced athletes. Today, this drug takes its place in the training of weightlifters, powerlifters and bodybuilders. Its advantages are a small price, and a significant anabolic effect.


  • 1 How Danabol works
  • 2 Danabol and women
  • 3 Dosages and regimens
  • 4 Side effects and disadvantages of the drug

How Danabol works

Danabol binds to androgen receptors in cells. But, unlike selective androgen receptor modulators, it has both androgenic and anabolic effects. This is one of the most androgenic oral steroids, which accounts for the rapid onset of muscle mass gain.

For one course of the drug, you can gain up to 10-15 kg of muscle, and significantly increase in strength. The authors of the reviews say that the drug helped them overcome the plateau in basic exercises, and allowed them to reach a new level in the results. This is one of the most common steroids in weightlifting and powerlifting.

"Methane" can cause fluid retention, and contribute to greater muscle fullness. However, not everyone likes this effect, because many people block it by taking antiestrogens (Proviron, Anastrozole).

The increase in muscle mass is achieved not only due to the "pouring water", as is often written in various sources. The drug accelerates protein synthesis. Therefore, for a quality set of muscle mass with methane, special nutrition is required. In the diet should be 1, 5-2 g of protein per kilogram of weight, and 4-5 g of carbohydrates. Only ectomorphs, which are difficult to type, can raise their number to 6 g. The rest will be enough for the first digits. Many eat up to 3-4 g of protein, but you should not overdo it. Danabol is not a drug that will force you to absorb such large amounts of protein food. In any case, it’s better not to rush, and approach your diet quite carefully, without going too far with proteins. The liver and kidneys are already overloaded, moderation should be observed.

Danabol and women

Danabol is not the optimal choice for a woman, since he has a high androgenic factor, and the risk of masculinization (acne, hair on the face and body, enlargement of the clitoris, coarsening of the voice) from his intake is also high. However, in professional weightlifting and powerlifting, this steroid is used. Dosages of the order of 5-10 mg daily are used, and short courses, no more than 6 weeks. Fans, as well as those who want to speak in bikinis and body fitness, this drug is not recommended.

Dosages and dosage regimens

It is often written that methane should be taken "hill". The dosage regimen is widely known in which the drug is taken for 5 days, and then, on the 6th day, the body is completely rested. However, for beginners, this makes little sense. It is necessary to take from 5 to 20 mg per day, while if the dosage is more than 10 mg, it is necessary to arrange 2 doses. The assimilation period of the drug is 4-5 hours, it is necessary to maintain a relatively stable hormonal background. The course recommends taking Holosas to facilitate the outflow of bile.

The duration of the first course should be about 6 weeks. PCT after danabol is necessary, although many claim the opposite. At PCT, antiestrogens and hepatoprotectors are taken.

Side effects and disadvantages of the drug

Due to the high androgenic factor, the drug can produce severe acne both on the face and body. Acne usually disappears after the course, but their symptomatic therapy with anti-inflammatory ointments, and specialized anti-bacteria agents is recommended. The drug significantly affects the arc of the pituitary gland-hypothalamus testicles, so the level of testosterone levels after the course falls. If you do not take antiestrogens, gynecomastia, and an increase in body fat mass, are possible.

Danabol is toxic to the liver, therefore it is not recommended for people with liver diseases, as well as hepatitis. It is better to choose other drugs. It should be understood that the drug will not fulfill the training plan for you, and follow a diet for weight gain. If a person has problems with the regime, everything that he will receive on the danabol course will be immediately “merged” upon the results of its completion. After the course, it is necessary to reduce the training volume (fewer exercises and approaches), but to remain at the same level of intensity (working weights). You should rest more between workouts, but concentrate specifically on maintaining working weights. This will help not to "drain" the mass immediately.

It should be understood that a competent selection of dosages and drugs should minimize side effects. Sex hormones, liver enzymes, and thyroid hormones should be tested to rule out contraindications. After the course, analyzes and competent post-cycle therapy are also needed. Usually steroids are not recommended to be taken if there is no money for all this, or if there is no desire to do it.