Myths about sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is a product consisting of a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, designed for people involved in sports or leading an active lifestyle.

Despite the wide distribution, sports nutrition causes a lot of doubts and concerns among consumers.

Are they true ">


  • 1 Myth No. 1. Sports nutrition is intended only for athletes involved in bodybuilding
  • 2 Myth No. 2. The acquisition of products of a well-known manufacturer is an extra waste of money; the composition of sports nutrition is the same for all manufacturers
  • 3 Misconception No. 3. Sports nutrition first stimulates muscle growth and then causes health problems.
  • 4 Myth No. 4. Sports nutrition consists of artificial components that are harmful to the body.
  • 5 Myth number 5. You can achieve good results in sports without special nutrition
  • 6 Myth No. 6. Sports nutrition must be taken by the hour
  • 7 Myth No. 7. Sports nutrition can be prepared and consumed at home.

Myth No. 1. Sports nutrition is intended only for athletes involved in bodybuilding.

The superiority in the development of this type of nutrition, indeed, belonged to professional athletes, but it was created for all people who have to deal with heavy physical activity every day.

Active physical activity significantly increases the energy costs of the body - for a full return, it requires more than 5000 kilocalories per day.

Let's make simple calculations: 1 kg of porridge contains about 3000 kilocalories, and 1 kg of meat - 1700-2000 kilocalories.

How much food should be consumed during the day and how long does it take for the body to absorb it?

Science has optimally solved this problem: protein-carbohydrate mixtures are a kind of concentrate of nutrients, "squeezed" from the usual products.

100 grams of such food contains an impressive amount of kilocalories - up to 800, and is absorbed by the body very quickly.

The contents of ampoules - small bottles are most quickly absorbed, its absorption occurs instantly in the stomach.

Scientists have developed and protein (consisting of proteins) products. Their application is very wide - they can be recommended to almost everyone.

What is the purpose of protein products?

The human body consists of amino acids that are indispensable for maintaining its vital functions.

The source of amino acids is food. However, today food products do not contain enough of them - modern processing technologies deprive food of the substances necessary for the body.

In addition, the nutrition of modern man is often unbalanced.

Protein nutrition also eliminates these problems: this food contains a balanced composition of the necessary substances, has a low calorie content and is a useful addition to ordinary food.

Myth number 2. Acquisition of products from a well-known manufacturer is a waste of money; the composition of sports nutrition is the same for all manufacturers

Only well-known manufacturers who care about their reputation guarantee the quality of their products.

Products of famous brands have a wide range and undergo special testing for 5 years before they go on sale.

An unknown manufacturer can give promising information on the label, but it often does not correspond to reality - instead of a quality product, at best you can buy egg powder or milk powder, and the desire to maintain a good shape can result in health problems.

Products of dubious quality do not differ in a wide range, their taste also leaves much to be desired.

Misconception No. 3. Sports nutrition first stimulates muscle growth and then causes health problems.

The modern consumer has a great prejudice against “chemistry” - today, everything natural is appreciated.

However, high-quality sports nutrition hardly deserves a similar name. It has nothing to do with anabolic steroids - artificially created hormones, the use of which leads to serious violations in the liver. By the way, this medication is classified as prohibited.

When using sports nutrition, you should not be afraid of the appearance of impressive muscle mass, unless you build it with the help of special physical exercises.

It should be borne in mind that, along with sweat, the body loses a large number of essential trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, potassium) and minerals. A special sports cocktail can help in this case.

Myth No. 4. Sports nutrition consists of artificial components that are harmful to the body.

Specialists in sports nutrition claim that only natural products are used as feedstock.

For example, a sports cocktail is made from milk and eggs. All the essentials for the body are extracted from these products and processed according to special technology.

Myth number 5. You can achieve good results in sports without special nutrition.

According to experts, in this case, the nutrition process will become endless and adversely affect the state of health: the stomach will get tired due to constant load, nutrients will be poorly absorbed, and overeating will lead to the formation of fatty deposits, which will be very difficult to deal with.

So, you have to strictly monitor the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed, otherwise the negative consequences cannot be avoided - weakness during training, deterioration of the skin, and fragility of bones.

Using sports nutrition will save you from such problems.

In training, the difference between the athletes is always noticeable: those who do not eat special food quickly tire, physically they are also weaker.

Myth number 6. Sports nutrition must be taken on the clock.

In fact, this rule applies only to those engaged in competitive fitness or bodybuilding.

For all others, this requirement does not apply.

Protein-carbohydrate shakes should be taken 20-30 minutes before the start of the workout, and protein - immediately after its completion.

Products containing L-carnitine will help you fight extra pounds - it should be taken during training and after it.

Myth number 7. Sports nutrition can be prepared and consumed at home.

In this case, you will have to forget about training in the gym - special nutrition should be consumed 15 minutes before the start of the training or immediately after its completion.

In addition, you will have to solve several additional problems: pack juice or milk in a bag to dilute the powder, take care that the liquid does not spill during transportation.

Do not make large “stocks” of special food at home - the shelf life of the finished product is limited to 2 to 3 hours, and only professional athletes use it three times a day.

Small doses are recommended for everyone else - for men 5-6 servings per week, for women - 2-3 servings per week.

Eat sports nutrition in fitness bars - here it is presented in a wide range, all requirements for its preparation and storage are observed.