Stretch for twine beginners

The true manifestation of flexibility is the ability to sit on the splits, which requires some people to have some training, including physical exercise. A properly selected stretching complex allows you to increase the flexibility of the leg muscles without undue stress. Most of those who want to sit on the twine are interested in the question of how quickly you can achieve your goal.

However, given that nothing can work out in sports, not only by itself, but also within the specified deadlines, it is simply impossible to talk about the exact time to achieve the goal. The individual characteristics of each person determine that some have a natural good stretch, even at a venerable age, while others, on the contrary, have a bad stretch, even in childhood.


  • 1 How to start stretching exercises "> 2 General rules and recommendations for beginners
  • 3 How do martial artists sit on a twine?
  • 4 Leading exercises
  • 5 Stretching Exercises
    • 5.1 Tilts forward
    • 5.2 Stretching quadriceps while standing
    • 5.3 Third exercise
    • 5.4 Fourth exercise
  • 6 Twine training under the guidance of a professional
  • 7 Are there any contraindications?
  • 8 How does nutrition affect exercise outcomes?
  • 9 Summary

How to start stretching exercises?

No special exercise equipment is required. This applies to rugs and weights. You can do it directly on the floor, using only the weight of your own body. Some exercises may require the use of a chair or other elevation, allowing you to be above the floor. The main thing is to have a good mood and motivation to achieve your goal. And if even after a month it was not possible to make a full-fledged twine, do not despair, but continue training.

Flexibility develops in proportion to how much time you devote to your classes. The optimal frequency of training is twice a day - morning and evening. Scientists from the United States have proved that the best time for the development of the vestibular apparatus is seven in the morning. Athletes doing stretching in the morning showed much better results at the Olympics than the rest.

General rules and recommendations for beginners

Proceed directly to the stretch after warming up. Neglect of this important component of the training leads to injury. And if you initially choose just such an approach and do not do a warm-up, the only result will be a break in the ligaments with all the ensuing consequences.

To warm up was complete, you should do:

  • jumping rope;
  • easy run;
  • swinging legs;
  • Squats or lunges.

Beginners should supplement the complex with a hot bath, the duration of which is approximately twenty minutes. Just wiping the body dry with a towel, you can begin training. Some athletes alternate loads with rest, achieving high results.

The diet also requires attention. Proper and healthy nutrition normalizes metabolism, which allows to increase the recovery of muscle fibers. Do not neglect the rest. You can practice up to 5-6 days a week, but one day must be done free from training.

How to do martial arts splits ">

Martial arts fighters do not spend much time on splits. This is due to the special technique that they perform at home. First, muscles and joints are heated, and then, taking a pose of longitudinal twine, books are substituted for themselves. They line up in a small tower on which they sit and relax.

Gradually, when the painful sensations become dull, they remove one book at a time. To completely relax, you should listen to your favorite music or watch a movie. Sitting on books takes about 60 minutes. After just two weeks of this program, you can achieve excellent results.

Lead exercises

To do the twine, it is not necessary to use books. There is a special gymnastic complex aimed at giving muscles flexibility. The legs are composed of knee and hip joints, muscle antagonists. Stretching is prevented by only one muscle, called in Latin M.gracilis. Taking its beginnings next to the hip joint, it is located parallel to the femoral muscle, lowers and attaches directly to the heel. You can feel this muscle when bending with straight legs forward in an attempt to stretch.

Stretching exercises

Leaning forward

To warm up the femoral muscles that are involved in the breeding of the lower extremities, and to stretch the legs with the back, classic forward bends allow. The legs are always kept brought together.

Stretching quadriceps while standing

Standing on a hard surface, one leg is slightly bent, the other is laid back, pressing to the buttock. They begin to stretch the knee ligaments and quadriceps, helping themselves with the help of the hands. Leg is changing. On each side, stretching is done for 50 seconds.

Third exercise

Deep-lying muscles gain flexibility through deep lunges. They stand straight, throw the left (right) leg forward, make a swaying motion.

Seemingly light, it requires that the leading leg be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back should remain completely flat. You need to do at least four sets (approaches). At least 10 swings are performed on each leg. When the preparatory phase is completed, you can begin to train the twine. Preference should be given to a lighter longitudinal. You need to stretch slowly and exhale, trying to relax the muscles as much as possible. Otherwise, you may be injured.

Fourth exercise

The muscles of the body do not just need to be trained for flexibility, but also to consolidate the result. To preserve the result acquired in the lesson, perform a special exercise called the fold. It is made from a sitting position on the floor, legs are brought together and gradually reach to the socks with your hands. Do ten jerks and fix the starting position.

Twine training under the guidance of a professional

Self-study is not suitable for everyone. It’s quite difficult for some to force themselves to train, because one desire without self-discipline is not enough, which becomes the main obstacle to obtaining a result. The way out of the situation will be private lessons with a professional fitness trainer. Under the strict guidance of a specialist, you can quickly and without any risk of injury get on the splits.

Are there any contraindications "> How does nutrition affect the result of training?

Diet is essential for progress. It helps to recover during rest periods between trainings. It is necessary not only to eat more fat and protein, but also to drink at least two liters of ordinary pure drinking water. Thanks to fatty acids, muscles regenerate, and proteins receive a boost for growth and formation.


To sit on the twine, doing at home, you just need to adhere to several important rules:

  • to be patient;
  • focus on results;
  • Believe in your own strengths;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • take training seriously.

If all these points are observed, then achieving the goal will not be difficult.