Weightlifting is the best way to get rid of fat!

Recently, many ways have been invented to get rid of excess fat, but the best of them have been and remain weightlifting exercises, and this is undeniable.

But, at the same time, it should be borne in mind that this is not about periodic sessions, during which a couple of weight training exercises are used, not about some kind of weightlifting when exercises are performed with kettlebells or dumbbells, and, of course, not about synthesis weightlifting and athletics, or even more so aerobics. Everything is much simpler - you just need to go to the platform, and perform one after the other lifts to the chest, jerks and jerks with the maximum possible weight, and simultaneously observe how the kilograms disappear.

With the help of weightlifting, you can completely transform your figure, but you need to understand one thing - we are talking about weightlifting in its original form, and not some lightweight modifications. In this sport, there are only two competitive exercises - lifting to the chest with further pushing and jerking with two hands. The training program of any weightlifter consists of these exercises (in some of their variations), as well as individual forms of squats.

In the minds of the audience, weightlifting is rarely associated with burning fat, due to the fact that this is not a very spectacular sport and attracts attention mainly from heavyweights. But, if you look closely, most weightlifters have a dry and lean figure. Those few who closely monitor the competitions know that, like in many other sports, weightlifting there are various weight categories, outside which only individual heavyweights. The remaining athletes are most often fried.

In the publication "Sports Nutrition" Asker Jeukendrup and Michael Gleeson (Human Kinetics, 2010) provides a comparative table of the level of subcutaneous fat in representatives of different sports:

  • Hockey - 8 - 15%;
  • Volleyball - from 11 - 14%;
  • Tennis - 12-16%;
  • Weightlifting - 9-16%.

Very interesting data, according to which weightlifters can safely be considered “dry” athletes. Therefore, it is not surprising that exercises from the arsenal of weightlifting today are often found in the training programs of athletes of other sports and even amateurs. It is only a pity that this work does not provide data on women.

Such intense fat burning is due to the high energy costs of weightlifters during training. For example, the reputable Sports Medicine magazine recently published an article by Heather Smith and Adam Storey entitled “Unique Aspects of Competitive Weightlifting”. In their work, the authors write that energy expenditures during a moderate weightlifting training are “comparable to the metabolic cost of a circular workout with high volume weights”.

In addition, there is such a factor as the release of growth hormone. Smith and Storey write, "that a 4.5–13-fold increase in growth hormone is noted during high-intensity weight lifting."

The secret lies in the fact that when performing weightlifting exercises, large muscle groups are worked out, and the body is involved in an activity that has a large amplitude. We are trying to break down such an exercise as a jerk into its components: in the beginning - deadlift, then pulls to the chin, then - lifting the biceps with the upper grip and the front squat, followed by the army bench press and lunge. Several repetitions of this heavy-weight sequence stimulate the metabolism so much that the body begins to burn fats with great speed.

In 1983, former weightlifter Dr. Mike Stone conducted an interesting study, the results of which were published in the Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences. Its essence boils down to the fact that his wards, trained by the standard weightlifting technique, reduced the level of subcutaneous fat by 6% for 8 weeks and received a 4% increase in dry weight. This debunkes the myth of the impossibility of simultaneously building muscle and burning fat.

Increasing muscle mass is a kind of metabolic bonus, meaning that the body began to burn more calories at rest. This is due to the fact that weight training gives a much more permanent and lasting effect than aerobic programs that burn fat, but do not provide muscle growth.

In recent years, aerobics has been promoted by many celebrities as the best way to burn fat. As a result, tens of millions of people spend hours and without much effect doing low-intensity exercises at a constant pace. But, modern research has shown that interval training has significant advantages over aerobics.

Therefore, the best way for those who want to get rid of excess fat is the road to the weightlifting club!