Sustanon 250: COURSE

Sustanon or “ Sust ” is a drug whose composition is represented by several forms of testosterone. Initially, Sustanon 250, which was first released by the American company Organon, was used exclusively for therapeutic purposes, was prescribed to patients whose body did not produce the right amount of testosterone. Today this mix has gained wide popularity in sports pharmacology.


  • 1 Composition of the drug
  • 2 Steroid Profile
  • 3 Effects on the body
  • 4 Course Sustanon 250 solo
  • 5 Sustanon 250: Combination Course
  • 6 side effects
  • 7 Reviews on the drug Sustanon 250

The composition of the drug

Sustanon 250 includes four testosterone esters:

  • decanoate;
  • propionate;
  • isocaproate;
  • phenylpropionate.

The absorption rate of each form is different, which explains the high effectiveness of the drug. It maintains high levels of testosterone for a whole month. Propionate enters the bloodstream first, followed by phenylpropionate, after which isocaproate enters into action, and decanoate is the last to be absorbed.

Duration of action reduces the number of injections. This does not affect the effectiveness of the mixture. It is in no way inferior to drugs that are administered separately. The only drawback is the cost. A mixture is usually more expensive.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic and androgenic activity from taking the drug is 100% of testosterone.
  • There is a pronounced suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system.
  • The mixture has no effect on the liver.
  • Possible detection time in a doping control test is up to three months after the last dose.
  • The drug is in the form of injections.

Effects on the body

Taking the drug has a multilateral effect:

  • Muscle mass increases significantly. Thanks to the solo course, you can gain about six kilograms.
  • Strength indicators increase, and catabolic processes decrease.
  • Endurance improves, the number of red blood cells increases, hematopoiesis processes are activated.
  • Sex drive and libido increase.
  • Appetite is increasing.

Sustanon 250 Solo Course

You can start taking this steroid to people who do not have contraindications to the drug, who have reached the age of majority. The drug is taken independently for 6-8 weeks. A longer period involves an additional intake of gonadotropin. Maintaining a constant high concentration of testosterone in the blood requires daily injection. The recommended dosage varies between 250-500 ml.

Aromatase inhibitors begin to be taken on the eighth day of the course and end after completion in one to two weeks. 21 days after the end of use, Sustanon 250 begins post-cycle therapy (PCT) in order to restore the process of producing its own testosterone in the body. The hormone returns to its usual mark about 30 days after eating boosters. Improve the result allows diet and sports specialized nutrition.

Sustanon 250: Combination Course

An improved set of muscle mass demonstrates the joint use of the drug with Nandrolone, and relief and drying - with Winstrol. A competent combination of steroids allows you to achieve a much better result than when using each drug individually. This approach is not only effective, but also minimizes the risk of a negative reaction.

Side effects

Sustanon does not differ from other forms of testosterone, also shows estrogenic activity. Against the background of its administration, the following consequences may occur:

  • depression of one's own hormonal background is observed;
  • excess body fat appears;
  • swelling develop
  • gynecomastia appears.

Eliminate these reactions allows the timely intake of antiestrogens. Aromatase inhibitors are considered the best. Selective modulators of estrogen receptors, including Tamoxifen, begin to be used during the PCT period.

Testicular atrophy is the most severe side effect that occurs while taking Sustanon. To prevent its development allows a strictly limited two-month course of injections or the parallel use of gonadotropin, as well as the use of antiestrogens.

The instruction for the drug, as a rule, contains all the necessary information on how to achieve the maximum effect and reduce negative manifestations.

Reviews about the drug Sustanon 250

Most of the negative reviews about the drug relate to the appearance at the injection site of a mixture of seals - infiltrates. This is a temporary phenomenon that occurs two to five weeks after the end of the course, which is not encountered by those who know how to correctly inject. There are athletes who take Sustanon who are dissatisfied with the effect of burning fat, since fat often grows with the muscles.

Strength indicators from the suspension increase quite well. Athletes taking Sustanon note saving time and money by combining several forms of the hormone and the lack of the need for frequent injections. The price of the drug is not very different from the purchase of ethers separately