Can I eat carbohydrates after a workout?

Everyone who plays sports knows that at the end of the training there is a strong desire to have a bite to eat with cookies, banana, chocolate, and drink a carbonated cool drink. There is no doubt that fast carbohydrates, after exercise, play an important role in the recovery process. In fact, everything is not so simple and obvious.

The best time to consume carbohydrates is considered to be the period after training, when the muscles instantly absorb nutrients. This does not mean that you can afford to eat chocolate, marmalade, sweets, cookies.


  • 1 Do I need carbohydrates after a workout "> 2 How many calories are burned per hour training?
  • 3 Carbohydrates are not the only source of energy replenishment
  • 4 What food is better to eat immediately after the workout?

Do I need carbohydrates after exercise?

Exercise is expensive glycogen. Spent stocks of the substance must be replenished immediately. This is where fast carbohydrates help out, which, of course, is absolutely necessary to consume at the end of the training. However, taking into account some features of this substance, it is necessary to approach the post-workout diet with caution. Otherwise, instead of a positive effect, you can get a completely different result.

How many calories are burned per hour training?

The answer to this question allows the athlete to clarify the nuance regarding how useful it is to consume simple carbohydrates during the recovery period after training.

According to the study, even the hardest workouts result in burning about a quarter of muscle glycogen stores. Its amount in the muscles is approximately 400, and in the liver - 100 grams. High-intensity interval training and exercise with heavy weights, as was proved in one study, do not increase muscle glycogen costs. Thus, regardless of the type of training, the same number of calories is burned.

The degree of activity intensity does not depend on the load and requires the same amount of carbohydrate to replenish. The amount of glycogen consumed should be similar to the calories consumed. And if, after completing the training, eating, for example, chocolate popsicle or a bar containing 10-50 grams of carbohydrate, this will not allow replenishing depleted reserves.

Carbohydrates are not the only source of energy replenishment

During intense training, fat stores are also depleted. The process of fat burning is especially active when performing high-intensity training. One of the studies conducted showed that performing weight training burns about thirty percent of fats, and muscle glycogen - twenty-eight percent.

If you do not take into account a snack with fast carbohydrates immediately after completing physical exercises, then muscle glycogen needs about twenty-four hours to make up for. And, given this fact, it becomes clear that when doing light workouts or intensive hourly training per day, there is enough time to replenish the carbohydrate reserve.

And in order to have a beautiful physically developed body, you should refrain from simple carbohydrates after training. The best option will be the distribution of foods rich in carbohydrates during the day, which will completely cover the spent glycogen, have the necessary supply of this substance for subsequent training and all day.

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The training program, which provides one lesson per day, allows you to restore the spent reserves throughout the day with the use of from 0.55 to 1.1 g per kilogram of own weight. More workouts per day require carbohydrates for 60 minutes after your workout. This need is due to the fact that the body needs to get the substances it needs before the next lesson.

Athletes weighing approximately 70 kg need about 40-78 g of carbohydrates. If you take the lower limit, one large banana is enough, and the upper one, then add a protein shake or a couple of pretzels to the banana. Athletes with a weight of 90 kg already need 50-100 g. The minimum amount is consumed when classes are held in the daytime.

So, summing up, it should be clearly understood that not everyone needs carbohydrates immediately after the training, but those who need them should not eat sweets and unprofitable snacks.

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