Useful products for fitness and bodybuilding

For a beautiful relief muscle, proper nutrition is no less important than regular training, because even the most inflated muscles covered with a layer of subcutaneous fat will not have an attractive appearance. Therefore, the primary task in the fight for a beautiful body is burning fat, and proper nutrition will help in this matter, which will not only ensure muscle growth, but also prevent fat deposition. When choosing products, preference should be given to natural sources of proteins, as well as products rich in essential amino acids and trace elements for intensive metabolism in the body.

Protein-rich foods

Proteins are a universal "building" material for the body. It is proteins that provide muscle growth, therefore, during intense training to create a beautiful muscle relief, you need to eat foods rich in this nutrient. Natural sources of proteins can be products of both animal and plant origin. For sports nutrition, foods that, with a high protein content at the same time, contain a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates, are best suited.

The best products for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts are considered low-fat herbal-fed beef and salmon fillets, and herbal products include black beans and hemp protein powder. These products contain not only a large amount of high-quality protein, but also valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beef is an indispensable product in intensive training. A 180 g portion of meat contains approximately 35 g of protein and 12 g of fat, of which a large amount contains omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids. When buying meat, you should definitely make sure that the animal was fed on grasses, and not on compound feeds, since when naturally fed, beef meat increases the content of zinc, iron, and B vitamins several times. In addition, beef does not contain carbohydrates, thanks to why this product is ideal for sports nutrition, when it is necessary to remove subcutaneous fat.

Salmon fillet is an excellent source of protein, vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. By the amount of protein per serving (39 g of protein per 180 g of fillet), salmon fish are superior to beef. Trout, pink salmon and salmon are best suited for feeding athletes. Preference should be given to salmon fish caught in natural conditions or grown in environmentally friendly fish-breeding enterprises, as hormonal and growth-stimulating preparations, as well as antibiotics, which subsequently accumulate in fish meat, are often used in intensive salmon farming.

Black beans are a valuable source of vegetable protein, as well as fiber and carbohydrates. This combination of nutritional components makes beans a very satisfying product. Half a cup of black beans contains 331 kilocalories and 60 g of carbohydrates and 21 g of protein. You can use it as an independent dish, or as part of salads and meat dishes.

Hemp protein powder is a relatively new, but very promising product for sports nutrition. Plant protein is no less valuable in its biochemical composition than animal proteins. One spoonful of protein contains 22 g of protein, 2 g of fiber and 20 g of fat. Hemp protein is a valuable dietary product that is used in weight loss programs and to create a balanced diet.

Fiber-rich foods

Despite the fact that fiber is extremely poorly broken down and absorbed by the body, this nutrient in small quantities stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolism.

As sources of fiber, products of plant origin are used. A large amount of fiber is found in oatmeal, which is also a source of complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal is rich in valuable insoluble fiber, which not only improves digestion, but also absorbs excess fats from food and removes them from the body. However, this product should not be abused, because in one cup of cereal per 7 g of fiber contains 32 g of carbohydrates and 190 kilocalories. A fairly high carbohydrate content will slow down the fight against subcutaneous fat.

Rich in fiber and sweet potatoes (sweet potato). It is the high fiber content in sweet potato that neutralizes the action of starch, which this vegetable is also rich in. When a large amount of starch is ingested, insulin is secreted, which blocks the burning of body fat. But thanks to fiber, changes in insulin secretion when eating sweet potatoes do not occur. One medium sweet potato contains 4 g of fiber and 26 g of complex carbohydrates. A large amount of vitamins and minerals stimulates the metabolism.

Foods rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements

In addition to the main nutrients, athletes with high physical exertion need a significant amount of vitamins, as well as various nutrients that stimulate an intensive metabolism, thus contributing to more efficient muscle pumping and “burning” of fat.

A valuable dietary product is various types of cabbage . The most useful for athletes are Brussels sprouts and kale, which have low calorie content and high nutritional value. The value of Brussels sprouts lies in the high content of vitamin C, which contributes to the "burning" of internal body fats. Ascorbic acid in the composition of Brussels sprouts has a mild effect and does not damage the mucous walls of the stomach. It is also very convenient that, even when frozen, Brussels sprouts do not lose their beneficial properties. Kale is not only a low-calorie diet product, but also an excellent source of fiber, calcium and iron. Fiber improves digestion and helps to remove dietary fats from the body that have not yet been absorbed by the body. Calcium is necessary for the secretion of hormones and mediators of the nervous system, which in complex are responsible for the metabolism of fats. And iron increases the level of oxygen transport in the blood, which significantly increases the effectiveness of training and accelerates muscle growth. The combined effect of these elements gives an excellent result.

The real storehouse of vitamins A, C, E and group B is a pear. These fruits are rich not only in vitamins, but also in such vital elements as copper, iron, potassium and zinc. The presence of zinc is of great importance, since this trace element takes part in the synthesis of testosterone, which is necessary for effective training. Moreover, as a plant product, pear contains a rather large amount of useful fiber. One medium-sized pear contains up to 7 g of fiber, 36 g of complex carbohydrates and 133 kilocalories. Moreover, fats are absent in these fruits. It will be more useful if you use fresh pears, as a lot of sugar and stabilizing substances are added to canned and dried fruits.

An equally valuable source of vitamins E and B is avocado . This tropical fruit is rich in valuable unsaturated fatty acids, including omega 3. In addition, avocados are a fairly high-calorie product. One cup of pulp of this fruit contains 234 kilocalories and 30 g of fat. Therefore, dishes with avocados are very satisfying, however, despite their calorie content, avocados contain a relatively small amount of carbohydrates - 12 g per cup of pulp. A high fiber content (10 g per cup of pulp) speeds up metabolism and improves digestion.

In addition to the above products, athletes are recommended to include in their diet such products as walnuts, eggs and porcini mushrooms.

Walnuts are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids and help activate digestive functions. They can be eaten either in the form of a hearty snack, or as an additive to the main dish. These nuts, even in small quantities, cause a feeling of fullness, which persists for a long time. It is recommended to eat some walnuts at night.

It used to be that eating chicken eggs would certainly lead to an increase in cholesterol, because yolk contains more than 200 mg of cholesterol. But recent studies by scientists have shown that even with a daily intake of 6-7 eggs, cholesterol levels remain unchanged. Moreover, the cholesterol contained in chicken eggs is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, which in turn has a stimulating effect on anabolic processes in the body. With a testosterone deficiency, fatty deposits form. One large egg contains 6 g of protein and 70 kilocalories.

Ceps will also be an excellent addition to the athlete's diet. With their low calorie content, these mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, as well as essential amino acids. The lack of these elements leads to a decrease in muscle strength and immunity, which, accordingly, reduces the effectiveness of training.

Proper nutrition is the key to the athlete’s excellent physical condition, as well as his well-being. Only with the consumption of healthy and high-quality products is it possible to achieve a beautiful muscle relief and good muscle tone.