Jogging is the key to health and longevity

Jogging or jogging is also known as seemingly unpresentable “shuffling run”. In this style, Soviet people tried to escape from a heart attack, excess weight and problems. In the USA, from the 70s of the last century, running either became fashionable or was declared almost the cause of all the troubles of the American nation. The problem is that many really believed that running is the only remedy for a heart attack, and doing it alone can help you avoid excess weight. Therefore, the reputation of this type of activity was significantly spoiled by amateurs to train and not to keep the regime. Running is very demanding for recovery, only then it helps to really improve health and train the body. As for weight loss, running can be used as a cardio load, a way to increase calorie expenditure, but there is no point in trying to “run over” a bad diet.


  • 1 What is it "> 2 Jogging Techniques
  • 3 Benefits of Jogging
  • 4 Running and its effects on the psyche
  • 5 How to run
  • 6 Contraindications to jogging

What it is?

Running at what speed can be called "jog" "> Jogging technique

Jogging requires the skill of setting the foot, and keeping the body in a straight, partly relaxed, but neutral position:

  • The spine is straight, a slight inclination of the body forward is ensured by flexion in the hip joint;
  • Press tightened;
  • It is necessary to start, starting from the front of the arch of the foot, and land on it;
  • Running on a full foot is allowed, but it’s better to land on the front of the arch;
  • Hands move freely along the sides, they are bent at the elbows;
  • The step length is medium, not too large and not small;

It is desirable that when lifting off the ground, the leg should be fully bent at the knee. It is not recommended to jump high and push strongly off the ground in this running style.

Muscles that work when jogging:

  • Flounder, biceps and quadriceps femoris, gluteus - entire massif;
  • The muscles of the arms and body as stabilizers;
  • Press as a stabilizer

You won’t be able to “pump” muscles with jogging, you will only tighten them, strengthen them, improve your tone, but you won’t get huge calves, big hips and buttocks.

Does the heart muscle strengthen when running ">

The benefits of jogging

Jogging is a useful form of activity, during which you can:

  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Improve the nutrition of all muscles, ligaments, organs and tissues with blood;
  • Reduce stress;
  • Get rid of depression;
  • Help in losing weight;
  • Strengthen muscles and ligaments;
  • Improve posture;
  • Serve as prevention of flat feet;
  • Relieve symptoms of intellectual overwork;
  • Improve cognitive function;
  • Speed ​​up recovery after power loads;
  • Improve the nutrition of tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • Normalize psychoemotional state

They say running is cheap, attractive, and helps improve health. Arthur Lidyard introduced him to the everyday life of Americans, he was the first to write a book on how to run the average man in the right way, and created the first running clubs. But the main popularizer was Jim Fix. The problem with Jim was that he loved to drink, was overweight, and smoked long before running. When Jim died at 52 years old from a disease associated with a malfunction of the heart, the townsfolk and doctors took to running.

At that time, aerobics by Kenneth Cooper won hearts and minds, it was easier from the point of view of the social component, she was engaged in groups, and she was loved by former running fans. But jogging again won a place in the hearts of ordinary citizens, when it was discovered that the work of consciousness improves if you run about 5 km every day. Nowadays, jogging is a pretty fashionable hobby among businessmen, IT professionals, and other successful people. The reason is in improving cognitive function.

Arthur Lidyard himself lived a long life, and did not leave training until old age. The Russian popularizer of running, academician Amosov, was also a long-liver. Well, about poor Jim, everyone says that he suddenly realized.

Running and its effects on the psyche

Many have heard of the “high buzz of the runner”, this is a special state of euphoria that comes during a run. Many run because of it, and not because of health benefits, and not for the sake of strengthening muscles. A high runner is a scientifically proven fact; this is the response of the nervous system to a surge of endorphins from physical exertion.

It is proved that systematically running people do not experience headaches, do not suffer from minor muscle pains, and do not experience problems with seasonal depression, which, as it were, “covers” people when the deficit of sunlight becomes apparent.

Many scientists associate the high of a runner not only with an increase in the production of endorphins, but also with the fact that being in the fresh air, a person involuntarily “heals” his endocrine system. He runs and receives great emotions, but vitamin D is produced under the sun's rays. It helps to improve the functioning of the hormonal system, helps normalize mood, and allows you to get rid of prolonged depression.

By the way, this is also connected with the fact that running can help patients with depressive and subdepressive conditions cope with their problems.

How to run

Safe jogging will make the right choice of place:

  • No need to run along the tracks, highways and railways. So you risk being hit by vehicles, and getting poisoned due to not the most favorable environment;
  • Asphalt - poor coverage for a beginner, where forest soft soil or treadmill cover is better;
  • In slippery times, use shoes with a tread; in winter - special sneakers for winter running;
  • No need to run along steep slopes, or difficult trail tracks, if you are a beginner of jogging and just learn to jog

The following rules will help you get the most out of your runs:

  • Warm up in the cold season, warm, perform rotation in all working joints, a few squats, lunges, push-ups from the floor. In warm time, you can warm up in the fresh air;
  • Before starting - a small light stretch of the calf, thigh, and oblique muscles of the press, a few deep bends forward to slightly stretch the back;
  • Start a run at a very slow pace, beginners begin with a quick walk;
  • The whole training takes no more than half an hour at first;
  • After stretching for 10 minutes, the pace is added to the lower threshold of the aerobic zone, for people 20-35 years old this is not more than 140 heartbeats per minute;
  • Jogging takes about 20 minutes, then “hitch”, moving at an average pace, moving to a step and stretching the main muscle groups;
  • Contrary to popular belief, jogging every day is too much. It is enough for a beginner to do light jogs 3-4 times a week;
  • Jogging can be supplemented by any gymnastics with the weight of one's own body, amateur classes in the gym, or yoga;
  • If a person runs about 30 km per week, he needs a separate lesson in stretching.

How to minimize shock load:

  • Never run in shoes that are not designed for this. “Natural running” performed by an amateur novice is an increased load on the spine and joints, it is better to train in specialized sneakers;
  • Learn the movement from the front of the arch to the heel,
  • Do not push off the ground too abruptly, move smoothly
  • Contrary to popular belief, kneecaps, calipers and other types of retainers do not protect against shock;
  • The athlete must choose sneakers that match the shape of the foot according to the type of sole, and always with a gel or other elastic fixative

Clothing for running is selected according to the season. In winter, this is thermal underwear, tights for winter running, a fleece jacket, and the top layer according to the weather. In temperature conditions, up to minus 10 they run in ordinary softshell jackets, without down, they put on a puff when the temperature is lower. It is important to close the ankles, wearing warm leggings, and be sure to wear a hat, gloves, and a buff on the neck.

In autumn, the shape is lightened, at plus temperature they dispense with thermal underwear, paying attention to shoes (it should not get wet, wet legs are not felt during running, but this is the reason for colds) and a raincoat if necessary.

The warmer in spring and summer, the less clothes. Short runner tights are comfortable for some runners, shorts for others, it depends on the structure of the thigh muscles, and not on the style. Women must wear sportswear to protect their breasts from stretching and rubbing, otherwise there are no requirements for underwear.

The golden rule of an amateur runner is that it is better to spend one time on a set of normal running clothes than to treat either colds, abrasions and calluses all season, or fight against soaking jackets and sneakers.

Running shoes need to be changed regularly. Most manufacturers recommend doing this after a couple of active running seasons.

Contraindications to jogging

Lessons are not recommended if:

  • A person has a cold, has not cured a cold, or it is just beginning;
  • Exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • There are injuries to the ODE, sprains, and bruises;
  • Diagnosed diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • Malaise does not allow you to move actively

In the latter case, the training should be postponed. In all others - a doctor’s consultation is required. There is no consensus on pregnant women. Western obstetrician-gynecologists allow their wards to jog if there are no conditions that threaten health. Domestic advise to switch to walking.

Serious jogging requires proper nutrition. That is, a person must initially make a choice if he is running for weight loss, you should forget about speed, limit yourself to jogging several times a week and short distances. If the goal is to increase speed and run over long distances, it is not rational to follow a calorie-deficit diet. Then they feed on need, providing an adequate level of energy with carbohydrates. Run regularly to benefit from this activity.