Tribulus Terrestris, a plant for men

Tribulus Terrestris ( Tribulus Terrestris - in Latin - spiny vine) is known to people as a medicinal plant for a long time. In ancient Greece, this plant was used as a diuretic and tonic. In India, it was used as an antiseptic. The Chinese considered the "prickly vine" a universal medicine and treated it with the help of the kidneys, liver, heart and other organs. In the Balkans, it was used as a cure for male infertility.

The abundance of data on the use of Tribulus Terrestris as a medicine convincingly speaks of its benefits to humans. Tribulus Terrestris is rich in many active substances. It contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins (including protodioscin) and many others. Tribulus Terrestris will grow in the tropics and temperate zones - in Africa, South Asia, southern Europe, northern Australia. When using it, it is important to know where and in what conditions this plant grew.

In Western countries, until recently, they did not know about the “prickly vine”. Until the 1980s, the works of famous Chinese healers Yong ("A Guide to Chinese Herbs and Recipes"), Hong, Hsu, and Chen ("The Chemical Composition of Chinese Herbs") were published in the United States. After the publication of these books, Tribulus Terrestris became known in the West, and the preparations obtained from it began to be used as medicines.

Bodybuilding athletes drew attention to this plant after they became aware that many athletes in the East use it in preparation for the Olympic Games and World Championships. The attention was particularly facilitated by the fact that some of the athletes taking drugs from Tribulus Terrestris took first places in competitions of such a high rank. Currently, the plant Tribulus Terrestris is widely known throughout the world.


  • 1 Principle of action of a dietary supplement with Tribulus Terrestris
  • 2 Experiments and studies with Tribulus Terrestris
  • 3 Relationship between muscle growth and testosterone
  • 4 How to take Tribulus
  • 5 Side effects from the use of Tribulus Terrestris
  • 6 Contraindications

The principle of action of a dietary supplement with Tribulus Terrestris

The effect of Tribulus Terrestris on the human body is based on increasing the production of testosterone. In its effect, it resembles the action of the hormones DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and androstenedione, however, the mechanisms of this effect are different. The hormones DHEA and androstenedione serve as a kind of "raw material" for the production of testosterone in the body, while Tribulus Terrestris increases the content of luteinizing hormones in the body, with the participation of which testosterone is produced. Numerous studies have confirmed that the "prickly vine" significantly increases the production of testosterone in the human body.

Experiments and research with Tribulus Terrestris

Western researchers conducted experiments with individuals of pigs, completely devoid of libido (sex drive). Experimental specimens for several days with food received Tribulus Terrestris. As a result of the study, it was found that the sexual activity of male pigs has increased dramatically.

In Canada and the USA, tests were conducted to establish the effect of Tribulus Terrestris on the production of luteinizing hormones in the male body. Healthy men were selected in the test batch, who for some time took 750 mg daily. a preparation made from a prickly vine. According to the results of the study, the amount of luteinizing hormones in the body of the subjects increased by an average of 75%. Testosterone levels increased by 40%.

Similar tests were conducted on a group of men with impotence. As you know, male impotence is caused by low levels of testosterone produced in the body. Lack of testosterone causes the inability of the male body to produce seminal fluid (sperm). A group of men participating in the studies took 750 mg daily for a certain amount of time. Tribulus Terrestris. Studies have found that the body of the vast majority of men has increased levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormones.

The relationship between muscle growth and testosterone

It should be borne in mind that an increase in the level of luteinizing hormones and testosterone in not all men causes a noticeable increase in muscle mass and an increase in physical condition. And this is understandable. Testosterone and luteinizing hormones are not directly related to muscle growth.

In general, it must be said that the use of such drugs should be treated with a certain amount of caution. Many young athletes who have been engaged in bodybuilding for a long time and have been taking steroid medications all this time have achieved a magnificent, muscular body. However, the fee for this was too expensive. They stopped the natural metabolism of testosterone and luteinizing hormones. Now, these people, in order to compensate for their own lack of testosterone, have to constantly take medications that stimulate its production.

In addition, the effect of Tribulus Terrestris on the human body is not fully understood. The effect of Tribulus preparations was studied mainly in people with reduced testosterone metabolism or with other health disorders. The effect of the drug on the body of a healthy man, with the normal formation of testosterone and luteinizing hormones, is still largely a mystery.

Sellers of dietary supplements created on the basis of Tribulus Terrestris often claim that their drugs relieve many diseases, cause an increase in potency, muscle growth, etc. These allegations are not without truth. However, you should know that you are unlikely to be able to increase muscle mass and strength with just one Tribulus Terrestris technique. To achieve great results in increasing muscle volume and physical strength, you need to take nutritional supplements containing androstenedione and DHEA at the same time as Tribulus and train hard in the gym.

How to take Tribulus

We recommend taking supplements containing Tribulus Terrestris courses. This condition must be fulfilled especially if you decide to take it at the same time as DHEA, androstenedione, and other similar drugs.

What does it mean to take courses "> Side effect from the use of Tribulus Terrestris

Speaking about nutritional supplements containing the Tribulus Terrestris plant in its base, it should be said about the side effects that may occur when they are taken.

The main one is digestive upset. This side effect is quite common in men engaged in bodybuilding while taking drugs from Tribulus. This is most often caused by the improper dosage of the supplement or its poor quality. Therefore, before you start taking any supplements that stimulate the production of testosterone, including those containing Tribulus Terrestris, consult a doctor, trainer and friends who have experience in taking such drugs. In addition, buy only those drugs that you are confident in and only from companies that have established themselves as a reliable supplier of medicinal supplements.


It is strongly not recommended to use preparations containing the Tribulus Terrestris plant for young children and women - especially pregnant and lactating infants. It must be remembered that the "prickly vine" increases the production of testosterone, which is a male hormone. Tribulus Terrestris and men who are sick with prostate hypertrophy are contraindicated.