Smith Squat

An exercise such as squatting is always on the list of exercises performed by athletes. And this is not surprising, since this exercise is considered very effective if it is necessary to load the muscles of the buttocks and hips. It can actually be done simply or in the Smith simulator, which not everyone knows about. This simulator consists of a metal frame, inside of which a bar is fixed, which can move from top to bottom and vice versa. In fact, it resembles squats with a barbell, but in this case, the process of squats is controlled, thereby reducing the load on the spine. To obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary that safe technique is observed during training, which is very important.


  • 1 Features of squats in the Smith simulator and their advantages
  • 2 Squats in the simulator: which muscle groups are designed
  • 3 Smith Squatting Technique
  • 4 Types of Squats
  • 5 Contraindications and Precautions

Features squats in the simulator Smith and their advantages

Smith's simulator allows you to most effectively and at the same time safely load your legs and buttocks, while affecting other muscle groups. This is especially true when girls are engaged in these exercises. They don’t need to work with the bar, and it doesn’t make any sense, but getting injured is not difficult.

At the very beginning of sports, almost all muscle groups, including legs, are not ready for this, especially when doing classic squats. To begin with, you should do just squats and only then, proceed with additional loads. An empty bar is great for this. It will be especially difficult for those who have ignored sports in their lives. Even with the use of an empty neck, horizontal movements of the whole body are possible, together with the legs, with the pelvis and spine, which can lead to loss of balance and subsequent injuries. Smith's simulator is distinguished by the fact that it does not allow the body to fall in different directions, protecting the athlete from surprises.

The squatting process in Smith's simulator is accompanied by several advantages. For example:

  • Doing squats in this simulator is most optimal for those who just came to play sports. Having mastered the squats in the simulator, it will be easy to switch to exercises with free weights.
  • You can work on the simulator without the insurance, which is needed when working outside the simulator. An athlete can at any time, without assistance, fix the bar in any position, saving himself from unnecessary load.
  • With squats in Smith's simulator, it's almost impossible to lose balance. The bar is not only an additional weight for the athlete, but also a fulcrum. Therefore, it remains only to do the exercises, not caring for their stability.
  • In the simulator Smith will be able to work out the technique of squats to perfection.
  • Those athletes who have knee problems should not be involved in free weights, but on the Smith simulator - please. Here you can adjust the depth of the squats and legs.
  • Smith's simulator allows you to do other exercises aimed at training other muscle groups, which indicates the high efficiency of this device.
  • It is almost impossible to get injured here, so Smith's simulator is a great option for beginners.

Squats in the simulator: which muscle groups are designed

Squats on the Smith simulator for all categories of athletes - this is the implementation of classic movements. As a result of squats, the following muscle groups are involved:

  • Targeted muscle or quadriceps.
  • Synergists, which include the large adductor, gluteus maximus and soleus muscle.
  • Dynamic stabilizers, which includes the back of the thigh and calf muscles.
  • Stabilizers that control the position of the spine.
  • Muscle antagonists of stabilizers are oblique muscles of the abdomen and rectus abdominis muscle.

The full picture of the muscles working during the squatting process on Smith's simulator can be seen in the photo.

Smith Squat Technique

Before starting the first approach, you should warm up by doing a few simple exercises aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, legs and lower back. Further actions are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to go to the simulator and set the bar to the desired level. The height is chosen so that the athlete does not sit under the barbell and does not have to climb on toes. The step between the levels is 10-15 cm, which is enough to select the required height.
  • Then you need to stand under the bar so that it is located between the neck and shoulder blades. Raising the elbows to the top, take the bar so that it is slightly below the shoulders. The blades should be located as close as possible to each other. The gyms have special soft fingerboards. They will be needed at first, until the muscles become accustomed to heaviness. The bar (bar) should be held by the muscles, but not by the neck or spine.
  • Smith's simulator allows you to do approaches from any angle. You can try any options to determine the most suitable. Most athletes, coming to the outside of the simulator, become the back to its inside, although it can and vice versa.
  • Feet should be set beyond the bar so that you can rest against it. This option is ideal for this exercise. Girls do similar exercises in order to make the muscles of the buttocks elastic. At the same time, the lower back should be bent so that the pelvis is behind the neck line. In this case, a natural back deflection is allowed.
  • Before starting the exercise, the bar needs to be turned to remove it from special mounts. The elbows should be kept as high as possible.
  • After this, they begin to squat. In the process, the position of the knees should be controlled so that they do not go beyond the border of the socks. The pelvis needs to be pulled back, and the body leans forward a little. Crouching, you need to immediately rise. You do not need to be afraid that your balance will be lost.
  • Each movement is repeated as many times as recommended by the trainer's instructions. In the process, it is necessary to control breathing: on inhalation, the body drops, and on exhalation it returns to its original position.

Types of Squats

On the Smith simulator, you can experiment with various options for squats, which may, although not significantly, differ from the basic movements. Depending on how the legs are placed, the level of load on specific muscles of the legs depends. For example:

  • Legs set together. In this position, the maximum proportion of the load falls on the front of the thigh quadriceps. A slightly lower load is distributed over the knees. This option is suitable for those who have healthy knees.
  • Legs set shoulder width apart. As a result of squats, the main load is distributed on the lateral parts of the thighs and their inner surfaces. This option is more suitable for girls.
  • Squats with legs wide apart are also practiced more by girls. Here, the main load acts on the inner thighs.

To develop the buttocks, the legs can be slightly forward and lean on the bar with your back. At the same time, you should be afraid to lose your balance. The design features of Smith's simulator do not allow this.

It should be noted other options for squats that athletes use. For example:

  • Squats from the knees. It is considered a rather hard exercise, which is used in powerlifting and weightlifting. It is designed to better work out the lower phase of squatting with a barbell. Such movements allow you to develop large muscles, as well as some, smaller muscle groups that are inactive in the conditions of classical loads. Squatting on your knees does not allow you to build muscle mass, but has a complex effect on the muscles. Such an exercise is characterized by a maximum load on the knees. Therefore, for beginners, this exercise is not suitable. For less load on the knees, it is better to use soft knee pads.
  • Front squat with a barbell. Its difference is that the bar is not located on the muscles of the back, but on the muscles of the chest and deltoid muscles. As a result, the back will assume a purely vertical position, which dramatically changes the load on all muscle groups. Exercise, although rare, but it is effective, and allows you to work out not only the legs, but also the upper body. In addition, a strong press is formed.
  • Squat type "pique" or "sumo", with a wide spread of legs. In this position, the load on the quadriceps is minimal, but the load on the inside of the thighs is maximum. Feet should be spread as wide as possible, with the socks pointing to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, you need to ensure that the knees do not bend inward, and the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks must be in tension.

Lunge squats. This is a classic version of squats, but with one difference: one of the legs extends forward. Squat should be until the thigh and lower leg form a right angle. After that, you need to raise the body. Under such conditions, the maximum load falls on the front leg. After each sitting, the leg must be changed.

Contraindications and Precautions

The use of Smith's simulator is limited for those athletes who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, knee injuries, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. In any case, the best option is to consult with a doctor or other specialist.

Despite the advantages of the simulator, in any case, it is better to adhere to some rules. For example:

  • When performing the exercise, the pelvis should be taken back, otherwise part of the load will move to the spine, which is completely undesirable. Usually, the mistake is related to the fact that the athlete is afraid to lose his balance.
  • When the knees go beyond the socks, then they begin to overload along with the spine.
  • Elbows should be directed upwards as much as possible. Although difficult, it is necessary. If it does not work out, then you need to bring the blades as close as possible and hold on to the bar, for greater reliability.
  • The simulator allows you to rely on the bar during the exercise. The pelvis should not go side to side. It is not recommended to stand directly under the bar, as this leads to improper load distribution.
  • It is not recommended to squat on toes, as this will certainly lead to damage to the foot.
  • Squatting in Smith's simulator for girls is also accompanied by some rules. Girls are not recommended to squat too deep, due to the possibility of getting problems related to women's health. This is especially true when training is regular and intense.
  • If a woman does not feel much stress on the buttocks, then you can experiment by putting your legs forward, and the pelvis, putting forward a little back. In any case, when the athlete gets up, the load on the buttocks is always felt.