Tai bo

Tai-bo is an aerobic group program aimed at those who want to lose weight. In one lesson, up to 900 kcal is burned. Great ">


  • 1 What is Tai Bo
  • 2 Ty Bo Beginner Workouts
  • 3 Stamina Development
  • 4 Technique of performing various elements of martial arts
    • 4.1 Source Rack
    • 4.2 Direct hit with the left hand
    • 4.3 Direct hit with the right hand
    • 4.4 Side kick with the left hand
    • 4.5 Side kick with the right hand (cross right)
    • 4.6 "Care" (bias) to the left
    • 4.7 “Care” (slope) to the right
    • 4.8 Right knee kick
    • 4.9 Left knee kick
  • 5 Bundles of Elements
  • 6 Kicks
    • 6.1 Hitting back
    • 6.2 Strike Forward
    • 6.3 Side kicks (rounds and sideways)
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Conclusion

What is Tai Bo

Most people think that tai bo is a home training program. The glory of Youtube, everyone can do at home today. But initially it was a workout for fitness clubs that met all the requirements to become popular:

  • Conducted to incendiary music;
  • It features simple choreography;
  • Allows you to move a lot;
  • It has several intensity levels.

According to legend, Tai Bo came up with a former "fur seal" Billy Blanx, who was patched up by a fitness instructor. Once he was so tired while practicing blows that he turned on pop music. The idea to do a workout for a fitness club was born by itself.

The word comes from the combination of the terms "taekwondo" and "boxing". In fact, in this training quite a bit from martial arts. Beats will be simple, and even between them inserted bundles of steps for relaxation.

Martial arts give a person peace of mind, coordination, and good punching power. And they allow you to spend a lot of calories, but only if you practice them actively. Aerobics helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and make the activity accessible to everyone, as it is designed specifically for the average heart rate available for entry-level athletes.

The advantages of tai bo are obvious:

  • Strengthens the heart, blood vessels, helps fight stress;
  • Copes with physical inactivity;
  • Improves coordination of movements;
  • Allows you to tone the muscles of the legs, arms and body;
  • Increases Calorie Consumption

It is generally accepted that tai-bo is for “tight and dry” muscles, but in fact, “pumping up” anything with this lesson is not possible. Following the results of classes, girls will simply lose weight, but will not change the proportion, and young people can become more “traced”, embossed, provided that they have already gained muscle mass.

Important: if the goal is an aesthetics close to bodybuilding, it is better to limit occupations of such a plan to a reasonable minimum. 2 short 20-minute workouts per week is the average value for a natural athlete, so as not to lose muscle mass, and burn fat.

By the way, Billy Blanks opened his own hall, certified the program and began to sell it, train instructors and shoot videos. Those interested can find his channel on Youtube.

In our country, there are a lot of “close” to tie-club group programs. Clubs purchase Body Combat and Piloxing, as they feature simpler choreography.

Tai Bo Beginner Training

Beginners can simply come to a lesson in the club, and begin to move along with everyone. There will be no problems, usually a workout consists of a light warm-up, a slight stretching and mobilization of the joints, the basis of the part in which the kicks and legs are shown and practiced, and some simple exercises for the abs and back.

Often they write that you need to pay attention to the development of endurance, and to develop elements of martial arts, in fact, club lessons do not require all this. Tai Bo came up with:

  • Meet the needs of any person;
  • Adapt to his joint mobility and technique

Yes, direct kicks can also be performed at a level no higher than the waist, and arms can generally be mixed up a couple of times. The goal of the training is to increase calorie consumption, so a beginner should simply move actively.

Is it possible to come to the tai-bo "from the street">

Endurance development

In order not to be bored in a group lesson, and not to fall from fatigue, you will have to increase endurance before the first tai bo lesson happens.

Ideally, the person who goes to this lesson should be “able” to run about 3 km with a light jog at a pace of 6-7 minutes per kilometer. Such “skills” will allow you not to choke, and really actively move.

The first month in the gym should be spent with 3-4 40-minute cardio workouts. You need to pedal the exercise bike or go on a treadmill with a slight slope. The main task is to go through the entire time period with sensations of average load. You can evaluate it by pulse zones, adhering to 60-70% of the maximum heart rate, or you can also by sensations. You need to sweat a little, but be able to maintain a conversation.

About a month of such work will provide a sufficient basis for training Tai Bo.

Important: treadmills and exercise bikes can be replaced with ordinary walking on the street

Technique of performing various elements of martial arts.

Lessons for beginners are just based on practicing kicks and kicks, so you just need to find a class for beginners in the video, and repeat after the instructor. Have to master:

  • Direct kicks and kicks;
  • "Crosses", that is, cross-kicks;
  • Uppercuts and hooks;
  • Kicks back and sideways

Technique is better to work out in advance. It’s worth not just waving your arms and legs, but also performing punches. At the same time, proper stance and breathing are important.

Source rack

Starting position for kicks in tai bo:

  • The stand resembles a fighting stand, only it is slightly simplified to become available to fitness clients.
  • To begin with, master the position of the “core”, the center of the body:
  • Stand with your back to the wall, slightly tighten your stomach, and "twist the pelvis" forward;
  • You should get a position in which the natural deflection in the lower back is reduced;
  • The press should be tightened by about 30-40% of the maximum resistance of the abdominal muscles;
  • Now move away from the wall, bend your knees slightly;
  • Arrange them so that the feet look slightly to the side, about 30-45%, and the stance is stable;
  • The body should be assembled, the shoulders in a free neutral position, the chest should be open;
  • The knees can be slightly bent so that the stance is stable;
  • Try in this position to transfer weight from foot to foot;
  • Go to the front of the arches of the feet, and slightly jump;
  • Watch your stomach. He should not "fall out"

Most often, people simply cannot relax in the main stance enough to perform amplitude hits. They press the shoulder blades firmly to the spine, try to take their shoulders away from the ears, and "close" in this position so that they cannot strike with their hands. Therefore, the main stance must be worked out, it should be comfortable in it, the tension of the press and the “assembly” of the back should not interfere with the hands to make strikes.

Tip: if you are a beginner, try working out in the elliptical trainer at the fitness club. The body will naturally take a position in which the center is assembled, the stomach is pulled up, but the legs and arms can make amplitude movements.

Left punch

Hands are brought out to the level of the jaw so as to protect it. Fingers clench into fists. A direct hit is an impact at the striker’s shoulder line level. On exhalation, you need to abruptly extend the arm in the elbow joint and strike forward, the “free” arm protects the jaw. The supporting leg takes body weight, free - goes to the toe

Right punch

In Tai Bo, direct forward and right-handed kicks usually alternate. It is necessary to ensure that the muscles are tense, the stomach is pulled in. Upon impact, do not relax the press so as not to overload the spine.

Left-handed kick

It is necessary to transfer the body weight to the right leg, put the left one behind, and make a sharp blow with the left hand along the elliptical trajectory

Side kick with your right hand (cross right)

In a stance with the left foot forward and the right rear, the right hand strikes sharply along an elliptical trajectory. The latissimus dorsi muscle is stretched. Then the hand is also sharply brought to its original position.

"Care" (bias) to the left

Leaving is the deviation of the body from the line of an imaginary blow. In tai-bo, you will have to transfer weight from the right foot to the left, while tilting the body to the right and left. Good “care” for the purpose of a fitness lesson is a wide, amplitude movement. It is necessary to perform a slope so that the main work is done in the hip joints. In this case, the movement is performed due to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and the hands in the boxing stance protect the jaw. When leaving to the left, the body tilts to the left side, the weight is transferred to the left leg

"Care" (bias) to the right

The movement is similar to the previous one in mechanics, only committed to the right, and with the transfer of weight to the right side.

Right knee kick

In tai bo, knee-high strikes are common, according to the technique they are similar to direct strokes, only performed with bending of the leg at the knee. It is necessary to transfer the weight to the left leg, bring the right knee forward and hit them in the air.

Left knee kick

Weight is transferred to the right leg, the left knee is hit. In tai bo, this movement is reminiscent of the “knee up” in aerobics, a simple swing of the thigh, and not a real blow.

Bundles of Elements

An important rule for weight transfer, and during light jumps - the knees should remain “soft”, the “knee” should not be “inserted”, it should not be rigidly unbent. Re-extension will contribute to the sprain of the knee. Therefore, you should bend your knees slightly, and do not change this position, except for the commission of a kick.

The simplest bunch is the ladder. From a straight stance, 1-2 straight strokes are made by the right and left hand with opposite steps, then 2 cares left and right, and 2 knees up.

Ligaments can use complicated hand punches:

  • Hook-like hand strike, hands drop a little lower, fist at the waist level, from this position - a short blow to the opponent’s imaginary jaw, is exhaled. During an uppercut, keep your biceps shortened, but do not bring your fist to the shoulder too much.
  • Blow to the jaw from a lateral position. At the same time, raising the forearm to the plane of the shoulder, and straightening the arm in the elbow joint, make a sharp blow.

When learning shock technique, all movements are repeated for 2 minutes at a good pace. You can alternate them, combine, and pause for relaxation for 1-2 minutes, just jumping and transferring body weight from one leg to another.


Kick back

Kicking back begins with the transfer of weight to the supporting foot. Then a sharp kick is made with the “free” leg back, with the heel to the waist level.

Hit forward

The leg bends at the knee and hip joints, the blow is applied heel forward so that all the energy is put into an imaginary point in the middle of the heel. Direct kicks in tai bo alternate.

Side Impact (Rhonda and Side)

Side impact is made after the weight is transferred to the supporting leg, the body deviates towards the supporting leg. First, the “beating” leg is weighed out, then they strike the heel sideways.

A "circular" kick or rond is a heel movement, as it were, "from the inside out". The rond resembles a side impact, but looks from the side like drawing an imaginary arched trajectory with the heel.

If you have to train at home, without an instructor, it makes sense to shoot your technique on video. This will immediately give an idea of ​​both the posture and the nature of the stroke.

Tai bo is more aerobics than martial art. It is not recommended to extend arms with force to invest in a blow with the body, or abruptly until a click. You need to work in a comfortable mode for yourself, trying to maintain the frequency of impacts, and the average power level


Tai bo creates a significant burden on the spine. The lesson is contraindicated in those with severe scoliosis. It is worth visiting an orthopedist, if you can’t jump and run, you should also refrain from tai bo.

Other contraindications are standard:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries at the recovery stage;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • SARS, malaise;
  • Severe disorders of the cardiovascular system

Can pregnant women engage in Tai Bo "> Conclusion

Losing weight without serious loss of muscle mass, you can get a slender and toned figure if you combine tai bo training with strength lessons, for example, Hot Iron, or work out in the gym.